A Journey With Sound (in a nutshell…)
I drew my first breath in Rome, Italy.
With a background as a professional musician and studio sound technician, I became very interested, around 2004, in the effects that sound has on our health and consciousness. This happened following what can only be described as a period of spiritual awakening during which, I encountered tangibly the true nature of sound and its powerful impact on our lives.
I felt deeply inspired to learn everything I possibly could about the mystery of sound by researching and deep-diving into my own daily sound and music practice.
In 2007, I took a course in Ayurvedic massage in Rome and shortly after I was introduced to the Metal Singing Bowls, which I started using immediately in combination with massage at two centres I was collaborating with. From that moment on, I have been continuously developing my relationship with touch and the sensitive instruments of my hands. Through recurring feedback from my clients and friends, it became clear to me that my touch has a healing quality, a gift. Since then, exploring that gift has become an important part of my professional path.
I became fascinated by and very interested in the possibility of using the voice as a healing tool. It made total sense to me that besides all the sound healing instruments available to us, the voice deserves an in-depth exploration. After all, it is our first instrument and we carry it with us at all times!
Around that time, in Rome, I met Mauro Tiberi, who provided me with priceless inspiration on overtone singing and unconventional uses of the voice. This was the beginning of a journey of discovery that continues to this day.
In 2009 and 2010, in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, I trained with Clare Fanning as a teacher of her Vocal Yoga VY technique.
In 2012, I completed the Healing Sounds course by Jonathan Goldman. In the same year, I learned about the existence of Tuning Forks for Sound Therapy. I bought my first set and started using them alongside my Metal Singing Bowls. By that time I had already gained significant experience in combining Sound Therapy and Healing Touch and the addition of these new tools took my experience to the next level. I felt an instant sense of intimate connection with the Tuning Forks, experiencing them almost as extensions of my hands and energy field. Their exact, laser-like frequencies added a new level of detail to the therapeutic work I was able to do on the body.
Later on, I earned a Sound Healing Diploma from the Sound Healing Academy and a certificate as a HeartMath practitioner.
Another pivotal stage of my path was meeting Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma, in 2008. Through her, I was able to have a direct experience of the grace that can flow through singing devotional songs. Those years of my life not only opened my heart profoundly to the spiritual power of song and community in singing but also to a more inner Feminine quality of wisdom in my life.
This happened simultaneously with meeting my future wife, with whom I shared an instant spiritual connection. Through witnessing and accompanying her work in the Feminine field, I came to understand birth and women’s issues in a new light.
She also had severe spinal problems when we met. For years, I used my methods on her almost daily and this led to a remarkable recovery, which showed me how even such a serious health challenge can greatly benefit from Sound Therapy. For her, it was the only form of therapy that really helped at that time.
In 2013, I left Italy and started sharing my work internationally. I led workshops and seminars focused on sound healing and the power of the voice. I offered individual sound healing sessions with tuning forks and singing bowls and led kirtan singing events.
Since then, I have shared my work in person in India, Germany, Finland, Estonia and New Zealand.
In 2018 I started teaching my approach to Sound Therapy in person and online. This personal approach is based on the wisdom that I received from the element of Sound itself, by being immersed in it with dedication for so many years. It is also coloured by my connection with nature and the awareness that every sound affects the whole environment, not only us.
Since 2019 I have been a team member for a German-speaking comprehensive Doula training. My work in the birth field kept deepening, as I supported my wife in her birth work years earlier, but also by providing music and sound healing for the birth field at large.
Additional training I did includes Touch For Health Levels 1 and 2; Craniosacral Therapy Levels 1 and 2 (Upledger), Somato Emotional Release Level 1. Currently, I am in training in ISP (Integral Somatic Psychology) with Raja Selvam. I continue to follow my passion for spiritual and personal growth through sound and music, which has led me to study interdisciplinary fields and combine many areas of research and experience.
In 2025 I founded Sat-Sound™ to give my very own methods and philosophy a home.
A bit more about my early years…
I landed with a love for nature and animals, a dreamy character and a passion for drawing. During my early adolescence, I was introduced to the world of music at school. I started composing and performing original music around the age of 12 with two schoolmates.
By the age of 15, I was a fervent hard-rock keyboard player. By the age of 20, I had gained significant experience on stage and participated in musical projects that encompassed a variety of musical styles such as progressive hard rock, funk rock, pop, and reggae.
In my early twenties, I started working at the Diapason Recording Studio in Rome, a free-lance collaboration that lasted 15 years. During that time, I gained extensive experience in studio recording and music production.
My musical curiosity kept leading me to explore new genres. I collaborated with projects of electronic, world and experimental music. I also composed original music for TV and Radio Programmes and short movies.
In 2004, things started changing.
Until then, my focus had been pretty much on the entertaining quality of music. In 2002 I entered a deeply personal process that led me to a complete shift of consciousness over the following five years. During that time, I became interested in the more spiritual aspects of life.
The spark that initiated such a process was lit when someone handed me a VHS copy of the documentary “Cymatics: Bringing Matter to Life with Sound”. I watched it one night on repeat and felt in an altered state of consciousness for a few days afterwards.
Around that time, I had also started drawing again, a childhood passion that had been obscured by music for many years. Drawings became paintings as I projected intense inner visions onto the canvas to have them reflected back to me in an alchemical process, a refinement of energies.
I started having intense dreams, visions during my meditations and very unusual experiences. I awakened to a whole new understanding of sound and music through the connection with the Temple of Sacred Sound, a place of wisdom and initiation into the healing power of sound.
These experiences led me to distance myself from my work in the entertainment sector and move closer and closer to the therapeutic field.