Mindful Music, Sound Healing & Soundscapes

The Sound Of Golden Light

The Sound of Golden Light is a project founded by visionary music maker and sound healer Simone Vitale.

Drawing inspiration from ancient traditions that view music as a gateway to higher consciousness, the project aspires to promote an ecology of sound and an approach to art that fosters reconnection with nature, where kindness and mindfulness deepen our connections with ourselves and others.

Mindful Music

Relaxation music for Pregnancy & Birth

This album has been conceived to help create Sacred Space and it is especially aimed at accompanying the delicate and precious time of Pregnancy and Birth.
The deep relaxation and healing quality of this music can help mothers (and fathers) to be to connect with their hearts and enter an inner space of love and compassion.

The Gathering – Music from the realm of dreams

“The Gathering – Music from the realm of dreams” has been received in and inspired by dreams.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

This beautiful shanti mantra reminds us that we are not separate and independent beings. We are inter-connected with all living beings in the universe. We cannot achieve true happines if we cause unhappiness to other living beings, nor we can be free if we deprive others of their freedom.

Om Ma Ni Pe Me Hum

Om Mani Peme Hum is the most widely used of all Buddhist mantras.
It is the supreme mantra of love and compassion and it has profound healing qualities for oneself and for all sentient beings.

Wave after Wave

This album is dedicated to the exploration of the Anantar, a hybrid string instrument from India, featuring tampura-like and koto-like sounds.
It consists of 12 tracks entirely arranged and performed by Simone Vitale, and it is mostly an instrumental work.
Recorded with 432 Hz tuning

FREE – Calming Anxiety – Music for Highly Sensitive People

This soothing, calming and comforting piece of music has been created especially with the intention of calming the anxiety that can derive from being a highly sensitive person.
High sensitivity is an often underestimated response of the nervous system to the external environment and it can elicit states of anxiety and even panic.

Sound Healing

Stress & Anxiety Relief – Auditory Beat Stimulation

This Stress & Anxiety Pack provides carefully crafted mindful music with isochronic and binaural beats stimulation on the frequencies of 6Hz (Theta) and 10 Hz (Alpha).

Binaural Beats: Schumann Resonance

This music contains Binaural Beats at the frequency of 7.83 Hz, the fundamental frequency of the Schumann Resonance of the Earth.

Weaving the Sound

The music in this recording was performed using a set of Pythagorean Tuning Forks, also known as “Solar Harmonic Spectrum”, covering a full octave (or Diapason). The musical intervals of this set are based on the Pythagorean Tuning, that is, the single frequency of each tone of the scale is derived from the Harmonic Series.

Sound Healing with Tuning Forks – Protocol Sessions Vol. 1

The music in this recording was performed using a set of Pythagorean Tuning Forks, also known as “Solar Harmonic Spectrum”, covering a full octave (or Diapason). The musical intervals of this set are based on the Pythagorean Tuning, that is, the single frequency of each tone of the scale is derived from the Harmonic Series.

Sound Healing with Tuning Forks – Protocol Sessions Vol. 2

The music in this recording was performed using a set of Pythagorean Tuning Forks, also known as “Solar Harmonic Spectrum”, covering a full octave (or Diapason). The musical intervals of this set are based on the Pythagorean Tuning, that is, the single frequency of each tone of the scale is derived from the Harmonic Series.

Sound Alchemy: Coherence Meditation

Enjoy this Alchemical blend of sonic textures, enhanced with binaural beats to promote a state of coherence at a mental, emotional and physical level.
Several layers of nature sounds, Tibetan singing bowls and voices transfigured into an energy shifting journey of pure Sound Alchemy.

FREE – Sound Circles – A meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowls

Recorded with a beautiful set of Tibetan Singing Bowls and Ting Sha.
Playing it at a soft volume can help relaxation and inspire deep meditation.

Healing Sounds of Himalaya

This Album contains example of the ancient way of self healing and meditation that is still alive in those ancient places.
Walking among the rocks and through the valleys, one can hear
the sound of the flutes echoing and feel the healing vibration of the sacred mantras and the singing bowls.

Music of the Plants

Sounds from the soil

The music in this recording has been performed by a plant, Anthurium (anthurium andreanum), thanks to a specific electronic device.

Sounds form the Soil: The Ancient Rimu

Music of the plants: here is a recording of the music coming from a majestic Rimu tree, more than 800 years old.
The recording was made using a device that allows plants to produce sounds and make music. The Tree is located in the Otari-Wilton’s bush in Wellington, Aotearoa.

Sounds from the Soil: Songs of Tulsi

Tulsi (or Tulasi) is a variety of basil, often called “Indian basil” and it is considered sacred in India for it’s healing qualities.
In the Hindu mythology Tulsi Devi was a fervent devotee of Lord Krishna and was turned into a plant by Lord Vishnu

Sounds from the Soil: Echinacea

This album is dedicated to Echinacea. This beautiful medicinal plant is originally from North America and it has beneficial effects for our health. It enhances the immune system to fight infections and facilitates healing from wounds and viruses.

Sounds from the Soil: Cannabis

A recording of the music coming from a beautiful Cannabis plant.

Sounds from the Soil: Nettle

A recording of the music coming from a beautiful nettle plant.

Interested In More?

Check out my full discography on Bandcamp

Copyright © 2025 Simone Vitale. All Rights Reserved.